> Keyword Density, Importance of Keyword Density, Google keyword Density, Keyword Density Tool, Keyword Density Checker

Jun 23, 2009

Keyword Density, Importance of Keyword Density, Google keyword Density, Keyword Density Tool, Keyword Density Checker

Keyword Density, Importance of Keyword Density, Google keyword Density, Keyword Density Tool, Keyword Density Checker

Keyword density means the number of times the target keywords appear in the web page or in content. Don’t repeat the keywords n numbers of times in article to rank well in search engines unnaturally. Repetition of keywords n number of times will treat as spam. But only we can use at important places where needed.

Keyword density is calculated as the total number of word in article divided by repetition of target keyword. For example, your web page has 100 words and you use the selected keyword for 5 times in different parts of the content. Then, your keyword density is calculated as 5%.
You have to maintain the keyword density is between 5% and 7%. This range is the best for your keyword optimization and you should limit within it.
You may optimize the every website and web pages. And you can optimize not only for single keyword but also a combination of two keywords or key phrases.

How to Calculate the Keyword Density:

  1. First of all copy the total content from a web page and paste it into a MS Word documnet.
  2. Second step Now press Ctrl+A to select all the text. Then, go to 'Tools' menu and select 'Word Count'. It will show you a statistics dialog box. Note down the total number of words.
  3. Third step, go to the 'Edit' menu and click 'Replace'. Type in the keyword you want to find and replace with the same keyword. After that, click 'Replace All' button and the system will show the number of replaced words.
  4. Now that you have already found the total number of words and the total number keywords, use the formula: Total number of keywords / Total number of words x 100 = Your keyword density. Remember, the keyword density is always expressed in percentage.

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