> 12/01/2008 - 01/01/2009

Dec 29, 2008


Meta Robots Tags, About Robots.txt and Search Indexing Robots


User-agent: *

Because nothing is disallowed, everything is allowed for every robot.

User-agent: mybot
Disallow: /

mybot robot may not index anything, because the root path (/) is disallowed.
User-agent: *
Allow: /

For all user agents, allow.

User-agent: BadBot
Allow: /About/robot-policy.htmlDisallow: /

The BadBot robot can see the robot policy document, but nothing else.All other user-agents are by default allowed to see everything.This only protects a site if "BadBot" follows the directives in robots.txt

User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /private

In this example, all robots can visit the whole site, with the exception of the two directories mentioned and any path that starts with private at the host root directory, including items in privatedir/mystuff and the file privateer.html

User-agent: BadBot
Disallow: /

User-agent: *
Disallow: /*/private/*

The blank line indicates a new "record" - a new user agent command.

All other robots can see everything except any subdirectory named "private" (using the wildcard character)

User-agent: WeirdBot
Disallow: /links/listing.html
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /private/

User-agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /temp*
Alllow: *temperature*

Disallow: /private/

This keeps the WeirdBot from visiting the listing page in the links directory, the tmp directory and the private directory.

Allother robots can see everything except the temp directories or files,but should crawl files and directories named "temperature", and shouldnot crawl private directories. Note that the robots will use thelongest matching string, so temps and temporary will match the Disallow, while temperatures will match the Allow.

Bad Examples - Common Wrong Entries
use one of the robots.txt checkers to see if your file is malformed
User-agent: googlebot
Disallow /
NO! This entry is missing the colon after the disallow.

User-agent: sidewiner
Disallow: /tmp/

NO! Robots will ignore misspelled User Agent names (it should be "sidewinder"). Check your server logs for User Agent name and the listings of User Agent names.
User-agent: MSNbot
Disallow: /PRIVATE
WARNING! Many robots and webservers are case-sensitive. So this path will not match any root-level folders named private or Private.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /tmp/

User-agent: Weirdbot
Disallow: /links/listing.html
Disallow: /tmp/

Robots generally read from top to bottom and stop when they reach something that applies to them. So Weirdbot would probably stop at the first record, *.

Ifthere's a specific User Agent, robots don't check the * (all useragents) block, so any general directives should be repeated in thespecial blocks.


Robots META Tags

Meta Robots Tags Meta Robots All Robots.txt Robots META tag

We can control the search engines spiders with the help of robots.txt, and certain pages should not be indexed and not be followed by search engine robots. The Robots META tag, placed in the HTML <HEAD> section of a page, can specify either or both of these actions.
The default values are now assumed to be INDEX, FOLLOW, ARCHIVE, ODP, SNIPPET and YDIR.
<title>SEO Robots Meta Tag </title>
<META name="robots" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW" />
<title> SEO Robots Meta Tag </title>
<META name="googlebot" content="NOARCHIVE, NOODP, NOSNIPPET" />
<META name="slurp" content="NOARCHIVE, NOYDIR, NOSNIPPET" />

Indexer: ignore content;
Robot: follow links

<META name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX">

Indexer: include content;
Robot: do not follow links

<META name="ROBOTS" content="NOFOLLOW, INDEX ">

Indexer: ignore content;
Robot: do not follow links


Indexer: include content;
Robot: follow links

<META name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX,FOLLOW">

Search results pages should not show "cache" link<META name="ROBOTS" content="NOARCHIVE">
Search results pages should not display the Open Directory Project (ODP) title and description for the page.

<META name="ROBOTS" content="NOODP">

Danny Sullivan provides good examples of how outdated descriptions and even titles show up when the ODP content is used for search results.

Search results pages should not display the Yahoo Directory title and description for the page

<META name="ROBOTS" content="NOYDIR">

(Yahoo Slurp robot only)

Search results pages should not display any description or text context for this page. Title only, I guess.<META name="ROBOTS" content="NOSNIPPET">


Dec 27, 2008

Meta Tag List | Types of Meta Tags

Meta Tag List, Types of Meta Tags:
Meta Tag List

Meta Name


Meta keywords

A list of descriptive wordsthat identifies thecontent of a web page. Keywordsshould be lowercase andseparated by commas with nospaces after the commas.Keywords can includephrases such as "siteanalysis".

Meta Description

A single sentence thatdescribes the content ofthe page. This is generallywhat a person will readwhen they are looking at alist of matches to theirsearch.

Meta Owner

The company or person who ownsthe web page.

Meta Author

The person who created the webpage.

Meta Distribution

Used to indicate global versuslocal pages. Use globalfor major entry points toyour site(s). Use localfor local indexes.

Meta Copyright

Copyright information.


More complex processinginstructions.

Meta Revisit-after

How long you would like asearch engine to waitbefore looking at your webpage again.

Meta Expires

When the content will beoutdated..

Meta reply-to

E-mail address to send messagesabout the page to.

Meta Rating

The age level of the intendedaudience. Standard entriesare: General, Mature,Restricted, 14years.

Meta Refresh

Sets an auto load for yourpage. This can be used toreload your entire page,to load a new page, or toload an image or soundafter a specified time.The time is specified inseconds.

Meta Content-Language

What language your document iswritten in. US English isidentified as en-us.

Meta Content-Type

What code the site is writtenin, such as html/text.


Web page creation program, suchas Microsoft FrontPage4.0.

Meta ProgId

Similar to GENERATOR

Meta Microsoft Theme

Theme/style used by MicrosoftHTML document


Meta Tags | Google Meta Tags | Google Meta Tags Tips

Google Meta Tags, Google Meta Tips, Google Meta Tags Generator

 Google Meta Tags

In this article you can find info on Google Meta Tag. Especially we don’t have Google Meta tags.
The only "Meta tags" that Google follows are the ones I've listed below:
Googlebot: noarchive
This tag will not allow Google to display any cached content. To place the googlebot: noarchive into your web page use the following:
<meta name="googlebot" content="noarchive">
Googlebot: nosnippet
This tag will not allow Google to display excerpt text in the SERPs or cached content. To place the googlebot: nosnippet into your web page use the following:
<meta name="googlebot" content="nosnippet">
Googlebot: noindex
This tag is similar to the robots Meta element that denies indexing of your web page. To use the googlebot: noindex on your web page use the following:
<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">
Googlebot: nofollow
With the use of this tag it will instruct Google not to pass any PageRank or link popularity to the link served, however, Googlebot may follow the web page link and index the page referenced. To use the googlebot: nofollow tag on your web page use the following:
<meta name="googlebot" content="nofollow">


Types of Meta Tags

Types of Meta Tags Recommended Tags Not Recommended Tags

Types of Meta Tags

The following list of links will take you to information about each of the individual Meta tags that we offer information on:
Recommended Tags:
Meta Content Language (non-US English ONLY)
The Meta Content Language tag shows the natural language of the document. This is also known as the Meta Name Language. Robots use this Meta tag to categorize the language of the web page.
Syntax of a Meta Content Language tag:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="en-GB">
Meta Content Type:
The Meta Content Type tag is used to show the character set of a website. Meta Content Type recommended to always using the Meta Content Type tag even if you use a DTD declaration above the Header. If you fail to do so it may cause display problems where as for instance the document uses UTF-8 punctuation characters but is displayed in ISO or ASCII character sets.
Syntax of a Meta Content Type tag:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
Meta Description Tag:
The Meta Description tag related to description of the webpage. The Meta Description tag is a short, simple language, usually consisting of 20-25 words or less. Meta Description tag give a info or summary of the web page to top Search engines to publish on their search results page.
Syntax of of a Meta Description tag:
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Citrus fruit wholesaler.">
Meta Language (non-US English ONLY):
The Meta Language tag is used to display the language used on the website. Webmasters who wish to declare the primary language of the web page can use the Meta Language tag.
Syntax of the Meta Language tag:
<META NAME="Language" CONTENT="english">
Meta Abstract Tag:
Gives a short summary of the description. The Meta Abstract is used primarily with academic papers. The content for this tag is usually 10 words or less.
Syntax of a Meta Abstract:
<META NAME="Abstract" CONTENT="Short description of page">
Meta Author Tag:
The Meta Author tag will show the author of the document and refer the name of the person who developed the HTML/XML document that is being viewed, but it is not recommended to have inclusion of the email address due to the large increase of Spam.
Syntax of a Meta Author tag:
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="George Costanza,
Meta Copyright Tag:
Meta Copyright tag is used to include a copyright, trademark, patent, or other information that pertains to intellectual property.
Syntax of a Meta Copyright tag:
<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright 2008">
Meta Designer Tag:
The Meta Designer tag is used to declare the designer of the website.
Syntax of a Meta Designer tag:
<META NAME="Designer" CONTENT="Art Vandaley">
Meta Keywords Tag:
The Meta Keywords Tag is used to list keywords that define the content of your website. Keywords are used by search engines to properly index your site in addition to words from the title, document body, and other areas. The Meta Keywords tag is typically used for synonyms and alternates of title words and 33 words.
Syntaxof the Meta Keywords tag:
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="oranges, lemons, limes">
Meta MSN (No ODP) Tag:
The Meta MSN (No ODP) tag is used for your description in the MSN search results instead of the description used in DMOZ.
Syntaxof a Meta MSN (No ODP) tag:
<META Name="msnbot" CONTENT="NOODP">
Meta Title Tag:
The Meta Title tag is used to declare the title of the page. The Meta Title tag would normally have the same title as contained in the <TITLE></TITLE> tag.
Syntaxof the Meta Title tag:
<META NAME="Title" CONTENT="Page Title Here">

Not Recommended Tags

Meta Content Script Type:
Meta Content Script Type tag is used to specify the default scripting language of the document.
Syntax of a Meta Content Script Type:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Script-Type" CONTENT="text/javascript">
Meta Content Style Type:
The Meta Content Style Type is used to specify the default Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) language for the documents.
Syntax of a Meta Content Style Type tag:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Style-Type" CONTENT="text/css">
Meta Distribution Tag:
The Meta Distribution tag is used to declare the distribution of your web content. There are three classifications of distribution which consist of:

  • Global (the entire web)
  • Local (reserved for the local IP block of your site)
  • IU (Internal Use, not for public distribution)

Syntax of a Meta Distribution tag:
<META NAME="Distribution" CONTENT="Global">
Meta Expires Tag:
The Meta Expires tag is used to declare the date and time after which the web document should be considered expired.
Syntax of the Meta Expires tag:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" CONTENT="Wed, 26 Feb 2004 08:21:57 GMT">
Meta Generator Tag:
The Meta Generator tag is used to declare the name and version number of the publishing tool used to create the page. The Meta Generator tag can be used by tool vendors to assess market penetration.
Syntax of the Meta Generator tag:
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="FrontPage 4.0">
Meta MS Smart Tags:
The Meta MS Smart tags were part of a beta test of Internet Explorer that was removed due to negative press. Meta MS Smart Tags would allow for those keywords to be highlighted on web pages that would take the user to the advertiser's site.
Syntax of a Meta MS Smart tags:
<META NAME="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" CONTENT="TRUE">
Meta Pragma No Cache Tag:
The Meta Pragma No Cache tag is used to prevent visitors from seeing a cached version of a specific page. The Meta Pragma No Cache tag forces the browser to pull information from the server each time the page is viewed.
Syntax of the Meta Pragma No Cache tag:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
Meta Publisher Tag:
The Meta Publisher tag is used to declare the name and version number of the publishing tool used to create the page. The Meta Publisher tag is the same as the Meta Generator tag. Could be used by tool vendors to assess market penetration.
Syntax of the Meta Publisher tag:
<META NAME="Publisher" CONTENT="FrontPage 4.0">
Meta Refresh Tag:
The Meta Refresh tag is used to specify a delay in seconds before the browser automatically reloads the document or URL specified.
Syntax of the Meta Refresh tag:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3;URL=http://www.domain.com/page.html">
Meta Reply To Tag:
The Meta Reply To tag is a Spammers tag. The Meta Reply to tag picks up your email address, then hits you fast and hard with offers a plenty.
Syntax of a Meta Reply To tag:
<meta name="reply-to" content="your.email@address.com" />
Meta Resource Type Tag:
The Meta Resource Type tag is used to declare the resource of a page.
Syntax of a Meta Resource Type tag:
<META name="resource-type" content="document">
Meta Revisit After Tag:
The Meta Revisit After tag is used to inform search engines when to come back and index your site again. This information is false and has no basis.
Syntax of the Meta Revisit After tag:
<META NAME="Revisit-After" CONTENT="30 days Days">
Meta Robots Tags:
The Meta Robots tag control search engine robots on a per-page basis. Tell Robots they may traverse the page, but not index it.
Syntaxof the Meta Robots tag:
Meta Set Cookie Tag:
The Meta Set Cookie tag is a cookie used to set a cookie in the user's web browser. If you use an expiration date, the cookie is considered permanent and will be saved to disk (until it expires)
Syntax of the Meta Set Cookie tag:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Set-Cookie" CONTENT="cookievalue=xxx;expires=Wednesday, 21-Oct-98 16:14:21 GMT; path=/">
Meta Subject Tag:
The Meta Subject tag is used to declare the subject of the web site.
Syntax of the Meta Subject tag:
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Web Page Subject">


Meta Tags History and Types

Definition of Meat Tag History of Meta Tags Types of Meta Tags

Meat Tag History

Meta tags are very important for SEO and many people misunderstood. This article give you the brief explain on all Meta tags that we are aware of, and recommendations of which ones you should or shouldn't use for your website.
What are Meta tags?
A small text provides information to a search engines about the contents of the webpage. Meta tags is a informational code that has been located between your <HEAD> </HEAD> tags that are a part of your HTML document you've generated.
There are two known styles/attributes that you'll see for Meta tags. These happen to be:

  1. <META HTTP-EQUIV="name" CONTENT="content">
  2. <META NAME="name" CONTENT="content">

History of Meta Tags: In 1990’s Meta tags were developed to get a rapid growth of web pages, but after in the late 1990s but many Webmasters, adult orientated websites, uses age of abused Keyword Meta tags, unrelated keywords were placed on their site in the Meta tag section to occupy the search Engine Results.
After that major search engines modify the use of Meta tags for main criteria when listing sites. Google always refused the use of Meta tags, and now currently only will index Google Meta Tags. There are several searches that do read Meta tags in their own way.


Dec 24, 2008

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Checklist

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Checklist Google SEO Checklist Googe Ranking Factors
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Checklist

SEO FactorBrief SEO Checklsit Information
Keyword in Domain Name/URL

MainKeyword(s) should always appear in the URL and if possible in thedomain name.

Keyword in Title

Main keyword should be as close to the beginning as possible. Don't stuff your title though! Don't use special characters.

Keyword in Meta Description Tag

Use1 to 2 reasonable sentences in your meta description and use yourkeywords at least once.

Keywords Meta Tag

Main keyword should be as close to the beginning as possible. Don'tuse more than about 10 keywords. Don't repeat any single word more thantwice!

Keyword Density in the body

There is no recommended or perfect keyword density, but don't use more than 15% to 20% per main keyword.

Keywords in header tags

Most important isH1, then follow H2, and H3. The others are proably not that important.

Keyword proximity

The closer the keywords are, the better they might rank.

Order of key phrases

Try to order your keywords so that they form key phrases that might be queried for more often in search engines.

Keyword frequency

The most important main keyword should be repeated more than the others. However, don't spam the keyword in nonsensical points.

Keyword prominence

The earlier the main keyword appears on the page, the higher its relevance.

Keyword in ALT and TITLE tags

Describe the image and if possible with one of the main keywords, however, never spam the ALT tag, this is a common SEO mistake!

Keyword Anchor Text

Try to have keywords in your inbound anchor texts, that are links that direct to subpages of your site.

Keyword Stemming

Stem your keywords. Use singular, plural, past forms, etc.

Keyword Semantics

Make use of synonyms and don't spam your site with one and the same keyword.

No excessive deep linking

Check that all your pages can be reached with no more than 3 or 4 clicks!

Page to Page Linking

Try to link to appropriate subpages from a related subpage.

Domain Name Extension

.EDUand .ORG seem to be very important. For any .COM domain it is a littlemore difficult to prove trustworthiness and relevance due to the hugeamount of spamming sites.

File Sizes

Never exceed more than 100kb per page. Try to keep below 40kb per page.

Hyphenate file names

Do never use more than 4 words in the file name, as this indicates spam.

Fresh and new contents

Google loves new and regularly updated contents, so do your visitors!

Total length of URL

Keepit at a minimum. That does not mean that you should not use mor than 60characters.


Common Search Engine Optimization SEO Mistakes

Common Search Engine Optimization SEO Mistakes

Common Search Engine Optimization SEO Mistakes:
Search Engine Optimization is beast to get more free and unique traffic from search engines and target geographic locations.
There are few common mistakes that people make at the time of constructing and updating their websites .Some information may not appear to be much important, but in fact is quite necessary when it comes to search engines crawling your website.
Top SEO Mistakes:

  • Target the right keywords
  • Remember the Title tag
  • Create an HTML alternative to a Flash site
  • Refrain from using Javascript menus
  • Websites need continual maintenance
  • Metatags are not as important as they used to be
  • Don’t use images for Headings, use text
  • Use clearly defined words in you URL
  • Use quality Backlinks, not Spam
  • Utilize keywords in webpage content

To optimize your website, take those time and efforts to go through and clean things up, it will help you immensely in the long run.


Dec 23, 2008

List of Advertising Companies

List of Advertising Campanies

Whether you are a publisher or an advertiser, this great lists is for you. There are many ways to make money online by joining in these programs. If you know an ad publisher networks, please send me an email so that I can update this lists. This lists of advertising companies are updated weekly so if you found some dead link, please email me. These are not just advertising companies. The following are considered as PPC companies that offers PPC programs as well.

Most popular advertising networks

  1. Adsense by Google - The biggest and the most profitable publisher’s program.
  2. Adlandpro - The first program I ever joined since 2004. Not only on PPC, adlandpro offers a lot of advertising method. You will also paid $5 per 1000 impressions of your referral page, and $2 per 1000 impressions of referral’s custom page.
  3. Adbrite - Best alternative for adsense and next in popularity.
  4. Bidvertiser - Another alternative for adsense with same ad lay-out.
  5. Clicksor - Pays up to 85% to it’s publishers.
  6. Advertising.com - One of the biggest and pioneer in publishers advertising network.
  7. 24/7 Real Media - Advertiser and publisher program. Best for american audience.
  8. Burst Media - Another program paying in CPM
  9. Commission Junction - One of the biggest advertiser and affiliate network available wordwide.
  10. Knoodle- pays up to 50% of ad revenue.
  11. Linkshare - Another big affiliate network for publishers.
  12. Valueclick - Another great program best for bloggers.
  13. Yahoo Publisher Network - Created to compete google adsense. Not available worldwide.
  14. MSN Adcenter - Microsoft-own publisher network. Still on beta.

Other available advertising networks.

  1. Accelerator Media - Accelerator is an intelligent ad network that features predictive ad serving technology.
  2. AdAgency - The leading provider of Internet direct-response adverytising solutions
  3. Adynamix - AdDynamix has evolved into a full-spectrum interactive provider delivering ad management, video and digital media services to agencies, entertainment clients and direct marketers.
  4. Adengage - Engaging internet advertising
  5. Agenta - Agenta is an easy and powerful way for you to unlock the revenue potential of your website or blog.
  6. Adknowledge - Expand your reach beyond Google and Yahoo by accessing Adknowledge’s multi-channel behavioral targeting network.
  7. Adpepper - The e-advertising network.
  8. Adsmart - Digital marketing made clear
  9. Adtegrity - Get paid for your hard work! Maximize the value of your traffic and build revenue with us.
  10. Affiliatefuture - If you are responsible for a website and want to increase its earning potential, join AffiliateFuture’s network to earn more revenue from your visitors.
  11. Affiliatesensor - Get the ease of Pay-Per-Click publishing
  12. Azoogleads - The leading performance-based marketplace
  13. Bannerconnect - Advertising without boundaries
  14. BardzoMedia - BardzoMedia is a world wide focused advertising network that can help you monetize your U.S, Canada and Europe internet advertising inventory on an exclusive or non-exclusive basis.
  15. BlinkAds - BlinkAds is an online media company dedicated to client services
  16. BlueFN - Blue FN, LLC. is the financial services industry’s leading Cost-Per-Action (CPA) Advertising Network with a targeted high-quality publisher base and top brand name financial services advertisers.
  17. BlueLithium - BlueLithium is the data driven performance marketing company.
  18. Casale Media - Advertising online is better here.
  19. Chitika - See how you can fulfill your brand advertising and direct marketing goals in one program.
  20. ClickBooth - Publisher CPA and affiliate networks.
  21. Clickshare- In the Click-Share advertising marketplace, you decide where to target your ads and what price you want to pay per click.
  22. ClickXchange - Turn your site traffic into cash!
  23. ContexWeb - Online advertising exchange solutions.
  24. CPX Interactive - CPX Interactive is a progressive online ad network, dedicated to optimizing revenue generation for both its Advertisers and Publishers.
  25. Enhance - Expand your pay-per-click search campaigns now.
  26. Esource Media- As Publisher Partner you get access to over 50,000 advertisers and earn 70%.
  27. Etype Europe - eType is the UK’s leading online advertising sales house
  28. Etype USA - eType USA holds exclusive advertising contracts with a number of the world’s largest and most respected websites.
  29. Expoactive- Start Advertising Your Website With ExpoActive In 5 Minutes!
  30. Fluxads - Guaranteed on-time payments.
  31. Hyperbidder - The Only Ad Auction Network where all bidders win!!!
  32. IncentaClick - Our Goal is to bring your online advertising campaign to the next level
  33. Industry Brains - Leverage your premium online content to generate additional revenue from contextually targeted ads that are consistent with your brand
  34. Interclick - Transparent ad network.
  35. JoeTec - JoeTec is a full service online marketing company. We specialize in display advertising and lead generation for our many clients across many different verticals.
  36. Kitara Media -Is an online media marketing company providing advertisers with powerful lead generation solutions through effective targeted online media reaching a vast online audience.
  37. Kontera - Leader in content link advertising.
  38. Mamma Media Solutions - With Copernic Media Solutions you’ll find the Internet advertising and marketing tools you need to boost your site traffic and drive revenue.
  39. MaxBounty Affiliates- with MaxBounty earn revenue from advertising sponsors on a pay-for-performance basis.
  40. Mirago 2 revenue streams- Geo-targeted organic / Pay-Per-Click (PPC) search and contextual results.
  41. MIVA AdRevenue Xpress - Earn more Revenue from your web site with MIVA MC
  42. Nixxie - UK’s first contextual advertising company
  43. Oridian - Online media solutions
  44. Oxado - Oxado enables you to insert contextual ads on your website within minutes
  45. Paypop-up - Every Visitor to your Site is a Potential Customer!
  46. Popup Traffic - Popuptraffic is the intelligent way to make extra cash from your website traffic.
  47. Quigo - Content-Targeted Ad Serving and Search Engine Marketing Solutions
  48. RealCastMedia - We represent over 500 Web sites and serve 300 million monthly impressions.
  49. RealTech - Network Your revenue syncronized
  50. Revenue Pilot - RevenuePilot provides you with the most innovative, efficient and effective way to monetize your traffic.
  51. Righmedia- Interactive advertising and transparent marketplace.
  52. Searchfeed - A leader in pay per click search engine advertising, Searchfeed.com helps online advertisers attract targeted leads while offering Web publishers a greater opportunity to monetize Internet traffic.
  53. Share A Sale- Real time reporting - On time payments.
  54. TargetPoint - Increase your advertising profits
  55. TextLinkAds - Make more money by selling text based ads.
  56. Tremor - Network A seismic shift in advertising.
  57. Tribal Fusion - The smart site representation company.
  58. Valueclick Media - Quality, control and a robust publisher platform make ValueClick Media a trusted partner to earn the most revenue from every form of online advertising.

Some advertising agencies also uses the above lists for convenience. In order to maximize your advertising campaign, I advise you to use the above lists for ease and convenience.


Dec 17, 2008

On Page SEO Factors | On Page Optimization Services | On Page Optimization Tips

Types On Page SEO Factors and Optimization Tips

Types On Page SEO Factors and Optimization Tips

Search engines are constantly improving their algorithm so they can provide more relevant results. A relevant site is one that provides quality content for its readers so after you have chosen your keyword phrases build the content of your pages around those keywords.

On page SEO means the code page optimization so, in this phase, you should pay special attention to the following:

Title Tag Optimization:

The title tag is one of the most important factors in achieving high rankings in top search engines. A title tag is essentially an HTML code that creates the words that appear in the top bar of your Web browser. Usually, the Title Tag is the first element in the <Head> area of your site, followed by the Meta Description and the Meta Keywords Tags. These are the general rules you should follow when optimizing your title tag:

  • Use in your title maximum 3 keyword phrases and 100 characters
  • If possible , don’t use stop words like “a, and, or”
  • Avoid spam: don't repeat the same keyword in your title more than twice; it's considered spam. Also, some engines penalize for using all CAPS.

Meta Description Tag:

The META description tag describes your site's content, giving search engines' spiders an accurate summary filled with multiple keywords. The META description tag should contain multiple keywords organized in a logical sentence.

  • Place the keywords phrase at the beginning of your description to achieve the best possible ranking.
  • Many SE's use this to describe your site so make sure you not only repeat each of your keyword phrases (max 3) at least once but make this a true representation of the page that the visitor will be viewing, and try to keep it under 255 chars.

The Meta Keywords Tag:

The Meta keywords tag allows you to provide additional text for crawler-based search engines to index along with your body copy. The Meta keywords tag is sometimes useful as a way to reinforce the terms you think a page is important for on the few crawlers that support it. For instance, if you had a page about penis pills -- AND you say the words SEO Articles at various places in your body copy -- then mentioning the words "SEO Articles" in the meta keywords tag MIGHT help boost your page a bit higher for those words. You should include up to 25 words or phrases, with each word or phrase separated by commas.

Here is an example of what a simple basic header should look like:

<head> <title> SEO Articles</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Online info on seo articles.”>
<meta name="keywords" content="seo, seo tips, seo articles and seo guide”>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

Body text Optimization:

This is what your surfers will actually see when coming to your site. There are many issues to consider when placing keywords in the text of your pages. Most search engines index the full text of each page, so it's vital to place keywords throughout your text.

These are general rules that everyone should follow:

  • Make sure your main page have your main keywords.
  • Use H1, H2...H6 tags in the article.
  • Bolding and italicizing your keywords at least once.
  • When creating your content pages, keep the following four concepts in mind: Keyword prominence, Keyword proximity, Keyword density and Keyword frequency.

Anchors and Links:

Anchor text is that portion of a hyperlink that is viewed by a user on a webpage (The Clickable text).The keywords in anchor text enhance the relevance of the target page pertaining to the keywords used.

For example, if your keywords phrase is “SEO Articles” and you have a link with anchor text “Read all about SEO Articles here” on a page, pointing to another page about SEO articles "here" to the anchor text content URL whereas the best way is to link “SEO articles”. You can also locate (or insert) important keyword phrases in your page’s natural text and link it to relevant target pages of your site. The target page’s name should include in it, if possible, your keywords. This is how a hyperlink code looks like:

< a href=”target-page.html”>SEO</a>

Frames, Java scripts, Flash:

Avoid using frames, java scripts and flash, they are not spider able from the search engines. Navigation (Internal Linking):

The navigation structure of your site is important because it is through your navigation that the search engine spiders are able to access all of your web site's content. For sites with a small number of pages you should have every page of your site linked to every other page of your site. This can be done by having a left/right side menu or by putting a link to every other page on the bottom of your page.


SEO Keyword Research Tools

Tips on SEO Keyword Research Tools

By entering a keyword related to your market is shows other related terms (singular and plural) and it analyzes the competition for every one of them.

Useful keyword tools:
WordTrakcer – most popular online keyword research service, offers advanced keyword research and suggestions.

KeywordElite – is desktop tool with many keyword research features. This tool will collect you keywords from various places into numbers of thousands. It is used by most top SEO and PPC marketers.

  • https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal
  • http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/suggestion/
  • http://www.nichebot.com


    Dec 3, 2008

    Restrict Search to Google Groups | Search to Google News | Search to Froogle

    Restrict Search to Google Groups
    author:Find Groups messages from the specified author.flying author:Hamish author:Reid
    (Search for Hamish Reid's articles on flying.)
    group:Find Groups messages from the specified newsgroup.ivandoig group:rec.arts.books
    (Search for postings about Ivan Doig in the group rec.arts.books.)
    insubject:Find Groups messages containing crazy quilts in the subject.insubject:"crazy quilts"
    (Find articles containing crazy quilts in the subject line.)
    Restrict Search to Google News
    location:Find News articles from sources located in thespecified location.queen location:uk
    (Find British news articles on the Queen.)
    source:Find News articles from specified sources.peacesource:ha_aretz
    (Show articles on peace from the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz.)
    Restrict Search to Froogle
    store:Find Froogle products from the specified store.jeans store:gap
    (Find Gap jeans.)


    Free Google Alternative Query Types and Restrict Search to Sites

    Alternative Query Types 
    cache:Display Google's cached version of a web page.cache:www.irs.gov
    (Show Google's cached version of the US Internal Revenue Service home page.)
    (or id:)
    Find info about a page.info:www.theonion.com
    (Find information about The Onion website.)
    related:List web pages that are similar or related to the URLrelated:www.healthfinder.gov
    (Find websites related to the Healthfinder website.)

    Restrict Search to Sites Where QueryWords Appear 
    allinanchorAll query words must appear in anchor text of links to the page.allinanchor:usefulparenting sites
    (Search for pages that are called useful parenting sites by others.)
    inanchor:Terms must appear in anchor text of links to the page.restaurants Portland inanchor:kid-friendly
    (Search for pages on Portland restaurants for which links to the page say they are "kid friendly.")
    allintext:All query words must appear in the text of the page.allintext:ingredients cilantro chicken lime
    (Search for recipes with these three ingredients.)
    intext:The terms must appear inthe text of the page.Dan Shugar intext:Powerlight
    (Find pages mentioning Dan Shugar where his company, Powerlight, is included in the text of the page, i.e., less likely to be from the corporate website.)
    allintitle:All query words must appear in the title of the page.allintitle: Google Advanced Operators
    (Search for pages with titles containing"Google," "Advanced,", and "Operators".)
    intitle:The terms must appear in the title of the page.moviescomedy intitle:top ten
    (Search for pages with the words movie and comedy that include top ten in the title of the page.)
    allinurl:All query words must appear in the URL.allinurl:pez faq
    (Search for pages containing the words pez & faq in the URL.)
    inurl:The terms must appear in the URL of the page.pharmaceuticalinurl:investor
    (Search for pages in which the URL contains the word investor.)


    Free Google Specialized Information Queries

    Specialized Information Queries
    (or books)
    Search full-text of books.bookEnder's Game
    (Show book-related information.
    Note: No colon needed after book.)
    define, whatis, what areShow a definition for a word or phrase.definemonopsony, what is podcast
    (Show a definition for the words monopsony and podcast. Note: No colon after define, what is, or what are.)
    define:Provide definitions for words, phrases, and acronyms from the Web.define:kerning
    (Find definitions for kerning from the Web.)
    phonebook:Show all phonebook listings.phonebook: Disney CA
    (Search for Disney's phone numbers in California - CA.)
    rphonebook:Show residential phonebook listings.rphonebook: bill jones NY
    (Search for the phone number of every Bill Jones in New York State - NY.)
    movie:Find reviews and showtimes.movie: traffic
    (Search for information about this movie, including reviews, showtimes, etc.)
    stocks:Given ticker symbols, show stock informationstocks: goog
    (Find Google's current stock price.)
    weather Given a location (US zip code or city), show the weatherweather Seattle WA, weather 81612
    (Show the current weather and forecast.
    Note: No colon after weather.)


    Google Free Advance Tips

    CalculatorMeaningType Into Search Box
    + – * /basic arithmetic12+ 34 - 56 * 7 / 8
    % of percentage of45% of 39
    ^ or **raise to a power2^5 or 2**5
    old units in new unitsconvert units300 Euros in USD, 130 lbs in kg,or 31 in hex
    Restrict SearchMeaningWhat to Type Into Search Box
    (& Description of Results)
    city1 city2Book flights.sfo bos
    (Book flights from San Francisco (SFO) to Boston (BOS).)
    site:Search only one website or domain.Halloweensite:www.census.gov
    (Search for information on Halloween gathered by the US Census Bureau.)
    [#]..[#]Search within a range of numbers.Dave Barry pirate 2002..2006
    (Search for Dave Barry articles mentioning pirateswritten in these years.)
    (or ext:)
    Find documents of the specified type.Form 1098-T IRS filetype:pdf
    (Find the US tax form 1098-T in PDF format.)
    link:Find linked pages, i.e., show pages that point to the URL.link:warriorlibrarian.com
    (Find pages that link to Warrior Librarian's website.)


    Google Advance Searching Tips

    Basic ExamplesFinds Pages Containing
    biking Italythe words biking and Italy
    recycle steel OR ironinformation on recycling steel or recycling iron
    "I have a dream"the exact phrase I have a dream
    salsa dancethe word salsa but NOT the word dance
    Louis +I Franceinformation about Louis the First(I),weeding out other kings of France
    castle ~glossaryglossaries about castles, as well as dictonaries, lists of terms, terminology, etc.
    fortune-tellingall forms of the term, whether spelledas a single word, a phrase, or hyphenated
    define:imbrogliodefinitions of the word imbroglio from the Web


    Dec 2, 2008

    Tips and Benfits of Serach Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    Search engines generate nearly 90% of unique Internet traffic. Search Engine Promotion is used to get or deliver the highest ROI (Return on Investment), compared to any other type of marketing. Search engines bring motivated clients to you.
    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) offers an affordable entry point for marketing your website and an effective way to your business online. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes for a long-term solution is your access to sustained free traffic and a source of building brand name and company reputation.
    Benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    · Improves ranking among unpaid search engine listings.
    · Rank high in the search engines.
    · Helps potential customers or clients to find the website.
    · Drives more traffic to the website.
    · Gain top positions on search engines for various keywords.
    · Increases the Website’s performance on the search engines in organic and natural means.


    List of SEO Tools and SEM Tools

    SEO Tools

    SEO Tools:
    Search Engine Analytics
    Simply just enter any Url into the search query and voila you get a trend report from link popularity, PageRank™, Alexa Rank, keywords.
    Head Checker
    This tool will check any web page's header tags.
    Search Combination Tool
    This tool will generate all possible combinations of two separate lists of search phrases.
    Keyword Density Analysis Tool
    Enter a page URL and this tool will tell you the keyword density of all the phrases on the page.
    Spider Viewer
    Wonder how your page is viewed by a search engine spider / bot ?
    Index Rank
    Check and benchmark your website indexation against your competition
    Find out for which keywords your site ranks high enough to be in Google Top 20. Registering for a free account at SeoDigger gives you information per entire domain as well as per separate pages.
    Site Comparison Analysis
    A useful tool in benchmarking your website against a competitor via a radar diagram.
    Stomper Ranker
    A firefox plugin in finding out how well your site fare against the competition in Google, Yahoo, and MSN/Live.
    SEO Site Audit Tool
    A quick audit on your website or competitor on how well your website is faring on search engines, social bookmarking, etc
    SEO Audit Report
    Free SEO audit which provides score that incorporates things like website traffic, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social popularity and other technical factors on how your website can be improved from a marketing perspective.
    Backlink Analysis
    Find out all the important information about your competitor's links. This free tool reporting includes pagerank, anchor texts, no-follow information , etc.
    Website Analysis
    Another tool in digging out everything regarding a website
    SEM Tools:
    Keyword Tool
    The free keyword tool from Google
    Find out how competitive your particular keyword is / are; Crawl your own website to determine which keyword / s are getting higher traffic
    Traffic Estimator
    The free Traffic Estimator tool from Google
    Get quick traffic estimates for keywords for your sem campaigns
    Keyword Competition Tool
    Find out how competitive the particular keyword /s is for your sem campaigns.
    Search Radar
    Search for topics relevant to your search query
    Landing Page Optimization Tools:
    Loading Speed of your website
    How long does your website load in various web browsers ?
    Website Speed Test
    Another tool in testing your web site loading speed
    Page Size Calculator
    Useful in calculating the size of your web page and the estimated time it would take to download on a 56k Modem.
    Heatmap Analysis
    Identify how people view your website, photo or ad and which areas are getting most of the attention.


    Dec 1, 2008

    New Free SEO Directory List 1


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